Tag: cancer

Too Much Sugar May Double Your Cancer Risk

Many Americans have a serious sweet tooth, and some are full-fledged sugar-holics. While most know that consuming large quantities of sugar is detrimental to...

Music as Medicine?

You’ve probably heard the term food as medicine, but did you know that music offers healing powers too? It’s been proven to ease pain,...

Just Sitting Causes Belly Fat; Stand Up!

Is it possible that simply by standing up you can make your belly disappear? While it won’t happen overnight, moving from a sitting position...

The 3 Worst Cancer-causing Foods

It is always sad to discover that some of our nation's favorite comfort foods are detrimental to our health.  French fries, fried chicken and...

Medicine of Kings Battles AIDS, Inflammation, Cancer and More

In the deep forests of China and Japan hides an incredible secret:  an ancient remedy for virtually every ailment that plagues mankind.   At first...

5 Belly Fat Burning, Cancer Fighting, Immune Boosting Seeds

Seeds can provide one of the biggest bangs for your buck when it comes to nutrition. Packed full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and essential...

Lemongrass: A Delicious Ancient Remedy

Lemongrass, a native plant of Southeast Asia and Africa, has long been hailed by chefs for its succulent lemon-like aroma. This razor-bladed grass is...

The Incredible Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton

Marine Phytoplankton is a unique, live ultra-nutrient rich product similar to foods like chlorella and spirulina in that all three have been on our...

Can Vitamin D Reduce Infections in Your Respiratory Tract?

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin/hormone that the body gets from sunlight, diet and certain supplements. Over half of Americans do not receive enough...

Not Just a Kissing Plant: Mistletoe Fights Colon Cancer

When you think of mistletoe what comes to find? For most people, they think of the decoration that is hung above doors during the...