Tag: chronic pain

Fibromyalgia is Real and Don’t Let Anyone Tell You it is...

For years, many doctors believed that fibromyalgia was psychosomatic, or “all in your head,” because of the wide range of symptoms that couldn’t be...

1 Billion People Don’t Get Enough Vitamin D: Why it Matters

With the days becoming shorter and colder in many parts of the country, fewer people find time to get outside during peak hours to...

5 Ways to Fight Fibromyalgia Pain Naturally

If you or someone you know suffers from fibromyalgia, then you know how frustrating this medical condition can be. Often misunderstood because of the...

Amazing Essential Oils for Chronic Pain Relief

Life is full of aches and pains — some minor, some major. After a long day, many people find themselves reaching into the medicine...

Your Slouch Could Determine Your Elderly Chronic Disease

Do you stand up straight and pay attention to your posture, or do you let your head hang and your shoulders curve inward? According...

How Acupuncture Helps Migraine Sufferers

Alternative medical treatments are gaining recognition in our country as more and more people become disillusioned with their current conventional treatments. One such alternative...

The Gift of the Emu: Chronic Pain Relief Oil

While the emu may not be the friendliest or the most attractive bird on the block, it has something that other birds don’t have,...

Do You Have Fibromyalgia and Not Know It?

Michael Hastings may not be a name that's on the tip of your tongue (he had a small recurring part on "The West Wing"...

Trick Your Brain to Take Your Mind Off Pain

The next time you're looking for pain relief, try a little distraction. A recent study published in Current Biology found that mental distractions actually...

American Pain Society: Yoga, Not Meds May be the Best Treatment...

“The mainstay of conservative treatment for neck pain is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication and the evidence of its effectiveness is contradictory, while side effects such...