Tag: detox

Gut Compounds Could Determine Your Risk of Diabetes

In a study released from Cornell University, researchers have discovered that certain microorganisms in the gut may be linked to the development of type...

Doc: Gut Problems in Americans Caused by Daily Fructose Overdosing

If you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you might want to take a look at your diet. Recently, one of the leading experts in...

Body Toxins Cause Cancer, Parkinson’s, Diabetes and More

Body toxins are contaminants that can be ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin or mucus membrane tissues in the body. Eating contaminated foods,...

We Aren’t Pooping Enough, Here’s Why

Hear the word fiber and you probably think of bran cereal. And you probably have the vague sense that you should be eating more...

The Skinny on the Aloe Vera Cleanse

Aloe vera has been used for centuries as a remedy for burns and skin abrasions. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties and is also anti-bacterial....

Pay Attention to Your Gut Health

For most people, paying attention to your gut means following your intuition and letting your informed self let you know if there are red...

The Alarming Truth About Pesticides And Your Health

Most people realize that many common household chemicals are dangerous if used incorrectly or with overexposure. However, did you realize that many chemicals that...

Yes, You Do Need Probiotics

Probiotics seem to be the latest health craze, but you may be wondering what they are and how they could possibly help improve your...

Is That Apple Trying to Kill You?

Do you ever think about what went into growing that apple or bowl of cherries you’re about to eat? Sadly, unless you are eating...

Doctors Criticize Fad, Quick Detox Diets, Say Cleanse the Natural and...

It’s spring time and summer is coming soon. With that in mind, many people start thinking about the upcoming summer and ways to get...