Tag: epa

Is Your Water Too Acidic? Here Are The Most Damaging Brands

If you think you’re making a healthy choice by buying bottled water, it might be time to think again. That’s because conventional methods of...

Should We Wipe Out The World’s Deadliest Animal?

The world’s most dangerous animal might have just met its match — modern science. The animal in question kills more people than any other,...

Is Ivanka Trump The Climate’s Best Hope?

While many people are concerned about Trump’s climate policies and cabinet selections, it’s possible they are glossing over the emergence of a potential game-changing...

EPA Approves Yet Another Toxin For Monsanto

As the nation’s attention was poised towards the presidential election, the EPA rushed in another hazardous Monsanto toxin. Monsanto says the new drift-prone herbicide...

This Common Weed Killer Is Also A Dog Killer

The weed killer, atrazine, is so prevalent in the environment that if you or your pets haven’t been exposed to it, you’re the exception,...

Is Congress Finally Acting On Toxic Chemicals?

Lead-contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan, has raised public awareness of the threat that toxic chemicals pose to human health. The harmful substances we...

Fear Of Toxic Water Causes Chicago Residents To Get Rid Of...

Some Chicago residents, fearful of water contamination from lead pipes, are taking action. They are having such pipes replaced in numbers. However, the cost...

EPA Warns Pregnant Women In Alabama To Not Drink Water

Attention residents of northern Alabama, and especially mothers-to-be and parents of young children: you may not want to drink your tap water for a...

EPA Sued For Failing To Reduce Airplane Pollution

During his last year in the Oval Office, President Obama has taken some steps to support environmental action and address the threat of climate...

Federal Court Prevents EPA Approval of Pesticide that Kills Bees

A federal appeals court has ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cannot at this time approve a pesticide called sulfoxaflor. Originally marketed by...