Tag: routine

13 Ways To Stay Motivated When You’re Working From Home

Many people have a love-hate relationship with working from home. There’s the joy of the flexible schedule, the ready access to snacks, and the...

People Who Drink This Type Of Coffee Are Slimmer

Here at The Alternative Daily, we love to find small adjustments to make our daily habits altogether healthier. We’re not about depriving ourselves or...

Energize Your Routine With This Morning Wellness Shot

If you're like most people, you probably keep your shot glasses tucked away with the whiskey, the cocktail shaker and the poker set, only...

7 Ancient Ayurvedic Health Care Rituals You Can Do Today

Modern medicine is a wonderful thing, but it can only do so much. And with chronic disease now more prevalent in the Western world...

5 Life Lessons From The Morning Routines Of Successful People

"Opportunities don't happen. You create them,” says photographer Chris Grosser. That proactive attitude often separates highly successful people from those of us who are...

Wiped Out By 3 O’Clock? Here’s How I Avoid The Midday...

I am lucky enough to work from home, and I love every minute of it. I love spending my workdays in my own space,...

Sleep Is Crucial for Kids — Here’s How To Get Them...

My son, like many other kindergarteners, likes to stay up late whenever he can. He has many strategies devised to delay bedtime as much...

7 Ways CEOs Start Their Mornings

Mornings aren't for everyone. Some people stumble out of bed, tumble into the shower, robotically shovel some food into their piehole, and join the...

Why Coffee Makes You Poop

For some, this may not come as a big surprise: coffee and pooping go hand in hand. So, why do we have the urge...

They Quit Their Jobs And Trekked Off To Africa — Here’s...

Ever dreamt of leaving it all behind, traveling the globe and maybe doing a little charity work along the way? While that may seem...