Tag: diet

“Bad” Fats Are Bad For Your Brain

In a recent series of studies, researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital discovered that eating a high fat diet can have a significant effect...

Celery and Parsley May Help Fight Breast Cancer

In the push to find a cure for breast cancer, researchers are casting their nets wider in looking at plant substances for chemicals that...

Could Gluten Be Causing Your Stomach Problems?

It seems like every time a health condition is highly covered by the media a new fad diet pops up, imagined by marketing pundits...

Protein Packed Stevia and Cocoa Brownies

Need a healthy, spring time desert recipe for those warm evenings? Ever thought of using Stevia instead of Sugar to bake? The Protein Packed...

Tired All Day? There’s a Good Chance It’s Caused By Your...

Is your fatigue a result of eating a poor diet? When you are eating a diet full of healthful foods, you are less likely to...

Taking Antibiotics? Eat Some Yogurt, You Still Need Good Bacteria

The health industry is abuzz about the benefits of probiotics. Yogurts, which are a good source of probiotics, of all kind are touted as...

Maternal Gluten Sensitivity and Schizophrenia

In a recent study out of Johns Hopkins, the question of the connection between gluten sensitivity and the development of schizophrenia raised an intriguing...

Gluten-Free Diet or Lifestyle? The Basics on Gluten Wheat

If you read health news or even walk down the aisles of your local grocery store, you have probably heard or read something about...

Superfruit Banana: 5 Quick Reasons You Should Be Eating This Superfood

I have a funny history with bananas.  When I was younger I loved banana flavored things but did not like fresh banana. I know...

3 Easy Steps To Mindful Eating

Elizabeth Gilbert's wildly popular memoir, Eat, Pray, Love, highlights her peak gastronomic and meditative experiences. In the New York Times bestseller, the author divides...