Tag: stress

7 Amazing Things That Happen To Your Health When You Own...

Owning a dog is one of the simplest joys in life, and research shows that having pets can be beneficial to your health. Not...

These 6 Yoga Poses Will Lower Your Blood Pressure (Almost) Instantly

From mitigating stress to strengthening the body, yoga has a profound impact on health. If you have high blood pressure — or if you’re...

‘The Pendulum’ Plus 6 Other Morning Rituals To Banish Anxiety

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Refreshed and keen for a new day ahead? I’m guessing not… In fact,...

5 Tips From The Blue Zone To Help You Live Longer

A person needs a little madness every once and awhile, or else they’ll go crazy. I’m paraphrasing words from a character in the novel...

5 Things Your Sweat Says About Your Health

Sweat. It’s something that heralds embarrassment for most people, except in sweaty “safe zones” like the gym or sauna. Yet it’s a critical part...

Can Kissing Improve Cholesterol? 8 Science-Backed Reasons To Kiss More

Kissing is one of the simplest forms of expressing affection and love to those around us. Depending on where you’re from, you might have...

5 Things Killing Your Sleep (And Natural Remedies For A Good...

Health is like a three-legged stool. That’s according to Dr. Jeanne Duffy, a lecturer at Harvard Medical School. Those three pillars of wellness include...

These 6 Things Are Ruining Your Sense Of Smell

Various factors of city life are ruining your sense of smell, according to one scientist — and that could increase your risk of death, research...

5 Telltale Signs You Have High-Functioning Anxiety

Are you having trouble sleeping and difficulty controlling your worry? People with high-functioning anxiety experience such symptoms but are still able to get through...

Lying Awake Every Night? 6 Ways To Become A Heavy Sleeper

Ever wake up feeling exhausted? Maybe you got plenty of hours in bed, but you hardly feel like you’ve slept at all. Getting a...