Now that fall is here, those spectacular autumn hues provide an ideal backdrop for getting outdoors and enjoying the crisp, fresh air. Don’t let the chill in the air discourage you, now that those extreme high temperatures have faded away, fall can be the very best time to get outside.
These five ideas for getting out there may help you to get motivated to enjoy it even more.
Go to a farmers’ market
Autumn means that farmers’ markets will be filled with fall’s freshest produce like apples, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and winter squash. Purchasing in-season produce means you’ll be able to enjoy rich flavors without putting a dent in your wallet. Many markets are likely to be selling heavenly hot apple cider while also hosting live entertainment – a perfect combination for enjoying the fresh fall air.
Get out on a trail
What better way to enjoy beautiful autumn foliage then hitting a trail? Whether you like to hike or bike, it’s a great way to get out and explore nature’s beauty while also providing numerous benefits: exercise, controlling your weight, boosting your mood, supporting cardiovascular health, increasing energy levels and improving the quality of your sleep.
Do some apple or pumpkin picking
Nothing says autumn like picking apples at an orchard. Not only will you get the benefits of fresh air and exercise just from reaching up and plucking that wonderfully delicious fruit and doing lots of walking, you’ll also reap nutrition benefits. Apples contain lots of soluble fiber, help to boost weight loss efforts, benefit heart health and more.
Of course, pumpkins are also pretty amazing, and if you pick your own, whether for carving or for making delicious pies, you’ll also enjoy many of the same benefits from walking, not to mention carrying around a 10-pound pumpkin for a while. Pumpkins are a fantastic superfood too, with lots of beta-carotene which can help strengthen the immune system as well as to support eye health. Don’t forget to save the seeds and roast them – they’re packed with protein, magnesium, potassium and zinc.
Utilize your creative skills
Getting creative, whether you enjoy taking pictures, painting or sketching, offers numerous benefits. It’s even been shown to promote healing in addition to reducing stress. This time of year is perfect for getting outside with your camera and capturing visually stunning scenes, bringing a sketchbook and drawing or even popping up an easel and painting the landscape. Get out in your own backyard or enjoy a day trip to one of your favorite spots. Get comfortable, and capture the moment.
Rake some leaves and jump in the pile
Fall often means time for yard work with all those leaves scattered across the lawn. Raking is also great exercise and you’re bound to burn lots of calories, but it doesn’t have to be all work. Why not rake up a big pile of leaves and jump in? You probably loved doing that as a kid, and there’s no reason you can’t do it now. Letting your inner child out and letting loose is a great way to relieve stress too!
-The Alternative Daily