“The mainstay of conservative treatment for neck pain is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication and the evidence of its effectiveness is contradictory, while side effects such as nausea and dizziness are well known.”
This is a telling and disturbing statement from a study out of Germany regarding the treatment of neck pain recently published in the Journal of Pain. In this study, researchers discovered that the most effective treatment for neck pain is the gentle movement of yoga, rather than NSAID pain relievers commonly prescribed by doctors.
Yoga Effective for Pain Management
Yoga is a physical practice that has been used in Eastern cultures for millennia. There are many different forms of yoga and you can practice it at home without spending a dime. Yoga has been shown to be an effective treatment for low back pain, stress reduction and to reduce many of the side effects of cancer radiation and chemotherapy treatment.
Lyengar yoga is a form of yoga that uses supportive props and poses that are tailored to each person’s specific physical needs and abilities. In a study completed at Chartite-University Medical Center in Berlin, Germany, researchers evaluated the effects of lyengar yoga with adults experiencing chronic neck pain. They found that study participants reported lower pain intensity levels after practicing lyengar yoga for four weeks. They were then asked to complete another questionnaire after 10 weeks of yoga practice and study participants reported increased levels of reduced pain intensity over the course of time.
Gentle Movement and Breath
Yoga is a mind-body practice that focuses movements of the body with breath. It is a discipline that seeks to find a peaceful balance between mind and body through movements into different postures that stretch muscles. As a person moves through the postures, they focus their breath to relax the muscles.
There are many different forms of yoga. Hatha yoga is one of the most popular for beginners because it has a slower pace and many people find the movements easier to manage. However, with many different choices, it is easy to find a form that works for you and your needs.
Poses include a wide range of movements. Some may be difficult if you have range of motion limitations. However, yoga blocks and props can be used to help you adjust to the movements.
Breathing is considered the other important element in yoga practice. As you learn to control your breathing with your movements, you also learn to quiet your mind and control your body. This helps you find balance and peace in the practice, both necessities for chronic pain sufferers.
Yoga has been repeatedly found to have multiple health benefits. It is an effective approach for stress reduction. It is also effective for pain management and can help with numerous chronic health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, insomnia and cancer treatment. It is also an effective physical activity for weight loss and can improve balance and stamina.
Do you practice yoga? What kind of yoga do you enjoy?
– The Alternative Daily