The Alternative Daily


The Do’s and Don’t of Bleach Use

Bleach is a popular household chemical that definitely gets the job done when there is a tough job to do. However, using bleach comes...

Can Sex Cure Migraines?

If you have a throbbing headache, sex may be the last thing you want to think out. However, according to a recent study, sexual...

Want to Relieve Stress? Take a Walk in the Woods

For the great majority of our history, humans have lived in natural surroundings. Today, with many of us living amongst industry, appliances and other...

10 Possible Cancer Signs Women Should Not Ingnore

While men are more likely to ignore cancer symptoms and avoid going to the doctor, it doesn’t mean that all women are vigilant about...

Obesity in Father Visits Next Generation

A recent study discovered that a father’s diet as well as body composition at the time of a child’s conception will likely negatively affect...

How Much of Flavor is in Our Minds?

A study performed at the University of Oxford and published in the journal Flavour shows that the taste of food is significantly affected by...

Are They Kidding? Coca-Cola Calls Genetically Modified Aspartame a Safe and...

Coca-Cola made its debut in 1886 in Jacobs Pharmacy in Atlanta. This cocaine and caffeine induced sugary soda was created by pharmacist John Pemberton,...

Your Brain on Gluten

Recent research suggests that gluten - primarily wheat, barley and rye - may have a greater negative impact on our health than we once...

Living Longer but Living Sicker

A new study, reported last month by CBS News, found that although the life expectancy of Americans has been slowly increasing, obesity rates continue...

#1 Best Exercise for Fat Loss

If you are of the mindset that long, drawn out workouts are best for boosting fat loss, you have been misinformed. There is a...