Katherine Marko
8 Ways To Look Better Naked In Two Weeks (Hint For...
You may reap with confidence, that is, until you take off your clothes. Suddenly insecurity seeps in. Now you’re agonizing over rough skin, that...
Diabetes Drug Recalled: Contains Cancer-Causing Ingredients
Diabetes affects over 100 million people living in the U.S. That’s a lot of drugs dispersed daily. So, when there’s a drug recall, it...
Stop Wasting Water, Soap and Energy — The Only 3 Body...
All those long hot showers you’ve been taking are doing your body more harm than good. Not to mention all that wasted water, soap,...
Do These 5 Things Now to Prepare for Cold and Flu...
As summer comes to a close, the pandemic still lingers on. Meanwhile, flu season is rearing its ugly head, threatening us with more infectious...
The 8 Places on Your Body You Forget to Clean (why...
If you’re in and out of the shower faster than the speed of light, then you might be forgetting to wash a few bacteria-laden...
6 Truths About Corn That May Shock You
Millions and millions of acres in the United States are dedicated to corn, because frankly, America has a love affair with corn. And that’s...
Thongs, Why You Should Never Wear Them
Thongs, are they really a necessary staple in your wardrobe? Let’s face it, thongs have a magical way of making you feel fabulously sexy...
What Your Tongue Can Tell You About Your Health
Did you know your tongue offers a wealth of information about your health? If your tongue is pink and covered with papillae (small nodules),...
5 Super Seeds You Should Be Eating Daily
Eating seeds is not just a passing fad. Seeds are the foundation of life for developing plants. So, it makes sense that they are...
Here’s What Happens if You Never Clean Out Your Washing Machine
Why would you need to clean a washing machine? Doesn’t all that water and soap sloshing around keep it clean and fresh? Actually, no....