3 Fat-Flushing Infused Water Recipes

Drinking water helps regulate body temperature, protect vital organs and even improve your skin. But sipping a humble glass of water can get a...

7 Foods That Might Be Making You Anxious

A lifelong friend of mine suffered from debilitating anxiety for years. It was hard to watch her have panic attacks, knowing that people did...

29 Surprising Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the world’s safest all-natural sanitizers in your home. You’ve probably got it under the bathroom sink, in your linen...

The 7 Benefits Of Masturbation

During our teenage years, we suddenly found ourselves in an embarrassing predicament. With the onset of puberty, hormones were running rampant and our libido...

4 Raw Honey Secrets That Will Leave Your Skin, Hair, And...

There’s no denying it: honey is delicious. It’s sweet, syrupy and evokes a sense of indulgence and homeliness. In recent years, raw honey has...

9 Easy Ways To Reset Your Metabolism Naturally

Long gone are the days of our youth, when we could eat what we wanted and never worried about exercise thanks to a ridiculously...

3 Ingredient Tonics For The Best Health Ever

As a nation, we’re fascinated with the concept of miraculous healing. Presumably, this miracle can come in the form of a pill, tea or...

Always Eat This With Turmeric

Turmeric not only adds unique flavor to food, it also has a variety of health benefits. Did you know that spicing your food with...

8 Therapeutic Benefits Of Rosemary

As soon as you pick fresh rosemary, its natural, pine-like aroma floods your nostrils. Once it hits your taste buds, you experience its potent...

5 Very Good Reasons To Eat Avocado Seeds

There aren’t many people out there who don’t like avocados. They’re creamy, delicious, brilliantly versatile and undeniably one of the greatest superfoods available on...