Do you toss and turn at night struggling to fall asleep, wake up several times and feel like you’ve barely slept when morning comes, even though you’ve been in bed for eight hours? If so, it may be time to re-examine your bed.
The National Sleep Foundation reports that about 60 percent of US adults have trouble sleeping at least a few nights a week. Also, over 40 million people in this country are afflicted with sleep disorders. Sleep deprivation is not only uncomfortable, it can also be hazardous to your health.
Not getting enough sleep can wreak havoc on the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems, as well as slow your metabolism. It may also raise your risk of a number of chronic illnesses.
While there are likely many factors affecting your ability to get a sound sleep, making sure you have the right bed and mattress is a good place to start. A mattress does not last forever; you’ll need to change it every five to seven years, as it can lose its ability to properly support your spine. This can lead to persistent joint and muscle pain – which can make it nearly impossible to get a good sleep.
Dr. Harry N. Herkowitz, chairman of orthopaedic surgery at William Beaumont Hospital in Michigan, states, “a firm, supportive mattress is best for the bony and muscular structures of the back in order to maintain the proper mechanics.” He adds, “a mattress that is too soft or too hard can put significant stress on the lower back structures.”
In their search for a perfect night’s sleep, some people are going above and beyond getting a quality mattress, and investing in Floating Beds. These beds consist of a circular mattress, suspended a couple feet off the floor by strong ropes from a single point in the ceiling. The design of this bed gently rocks you as you sleep, and is said to be extremely relaxing.
The manufacturers of the Floating Bed state that this bed design can help boost energy levels, as the rocking motion can improve circulation, and thus, the delivery of oxygen to the cells. They also state that it can reduce stress levels, improve dream quality, result in a sounder, deeper sleep and even help tackle motion sickness, likely due to the body becoming accustomed to the gentle rocking.
This bed is also said to be beneficial for special needs children, such as those with autism, as the rocking can be relaxing, while gently stimulating the senses. Floating Beds can be quite pricey and require installation, however, for some people, they may be a great, soothing option.
Whether you choose a Floating Bed or standard bed, do not skimp on the quality of your sleep space. Make sure your box spring is in good condition, test out any mattress before you buy it, to make sure it is comfortable for your body, and don’t forget that you need a quality pillow to support your head. A pillow between your knees if you are a side sleeper can also help keep your spine aligned.
Additionally, keep your bedroom dark and distraction free – no electronics! – and you will significantly increase your chances of enjoying soothing Z’s all through the night.
-The Alternative Daily