Tag: budget
10 Ways To Save For The Trip Of Your Dreams
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?  Think about it for a minute. Close your eyes. Maybe you’ve always...
Make Your Own DIY Green Gifts This Christmas Season
I am by no means a grinch — I absolutely adore Christmas, I just hate the level of consumerism that comes with this holiday....
Make Plenty of Money? 5 Reasons You Still Need a Budget
Most people have experienced how important budgeting is when money is short. Back when one unplanned night out could leave you eating rice noodles...
6 Steps To Less Debt Today
Nearly everything in our society tempts us to live our lives in debt. From alluring cash-back credit cards, down payment-free cars and “no payment...
7 Tips For Scoring A Cheap But Elegant Vacation
Getting away from it all doesn’t mean you have to break the bank. With some flexibility and creativity, enjoying an elegant vacation on a...
13 Energy Saving Tips That Also Save You Money
We use energy 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In fact, you’re using energy right now, reading this article. All that energy...
Lose Weight And 7 Other Reasons To Ferment
While our ancestors would have made fermented foods without a second thought, today it seems weird to have living, bacteria-ridden food bubbling away in...
5 Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget
A common reason people cite for not eating healthier is that it’s too expensive. While it’s true that organic produce and meat are usually...
Could a Smaller Home Improve Your Health: The 3 Benefits of...
You see lots of people buying bigger and bigger homes. They start off small, and then as finances improve they move up, with the...
Eating Out Kills Your Budget and May Compromise Your Health
While dining out at restaurants can be a lot of fun, offering the convenience of not having to cook, it can easily wreak havoc...