Tag: craving

What Your Cravings are Really Trying to Tell You

In our diet and weight-loss crazed world, cravings have become increasingly vilified. They are seen as a weakness that must be ignored at all...

If You’re Craving Too Much Salt In Your Diet, Eat THESE...

Before we begin, let’s make one thing clear: everyone needs salt to survive! Salt is a critical element of our anatomical functioning, essential for...

16 Strange Cravings And What They Mean

Have you ever made a special late-night trip down to your local supermarket for a big tub of ice cream? Or perhaps needed chocolate...

5 Signs That Food May Be Ruling Your Life

It’s happened to the best of us. You wake up in the morning with steely resolve, determined to have a day of healthy eating...

How to Trick Your Brain Into Craving Healthy Food

One of the biggest obstacles that people transitioning to a healthy lifestyle face is cravings for unhealthy foods. Although many people try to overcome...