Tag: Dr. Puff

3 Easy Steps To Mindful Eating

Elizabeth Gilbert's wildly popular memoir, Eat, Pray, Love, highlights her peak gastronomic and meditative experiences. In the New York Times bestseller, the author divides...

Put An End To Your Suffering And Start Living Today

The Buddha once said, “Life is suffering; suffering is just part of life.” No doubt that if we live long enough, sooner or later...

4 Reasons Why You Aren’t Meditating and How To Start Now

I was 19 years old when I started my meditation practice. Dr. Herbert Benson's book, The Relaxation Response gave me a solid overview of the benefits of the...

Stop Thinking, Be Still and Detox Your Mind

I remember the first time I did a body detox. No sooner than you can say, "master cleanse" than I broke out with red...

High Stress Lifestyle? Your Mortality Rate Can Increase By 50%

It is a well-known fact that one's lifestyle can affect one's mortality rate. A new study links high to moderate stress levels to an...

Meditation and Economics: Can They Work Together?

As the saying goes, "Money makes the world go ‘round." Whether you believe this to be true or not, I think we'd all agree...

What Romance Taught Me About Letting Go

As the saying goes, "The only guarantees in life are death and taxes." Barring your last breathe and Uncle Sam's role in your life,...

Awareness: The Personal Development Concept That Rises Above The Rest

Our thoughts create our realities. Therefore, if we want to change your behavior, our way of thinking, or our lives, awareness is the first...

How Do I Achieve Peace of Mind? Move Beyond the Mind...

People around the world are seeking peace of mind. The field of psychology in which I trained is all about helping people arrive at...

Search for Happiness: Why I Was Fired From Reality TV

About 20 years ago, when I first started in Private Practice, I had a young man come to me who was so amazingly intelligent,...