Tag: food labels

FDA Moves to Ban Red Dye No. 3 in Food and...

The FDA announced it will ban the use of Red No. 3, a synthetic dye linked to cancer in animals, from food and drinks....

Court Okays Warning Labels On High-Sugar Drinks

You gotta love San Francisco, the city that forbid McDonald's from giving away toys with Happy Meals that contain high levels of calories, sugar...

What Does “Natural” Really Mean? The FDA Wants to Hear from...

The term “natural” may have many underlying connotations when it comes to the food products you buy. However, there is some excellent news for...

New Labels Take Aim at High Sodium Menu Items in New...

Few things are as controversial as menu labels, yet by the end of this year, New Yorkers will see a new, beneficial label at...

What Do Labels Like “Natural” Mean?

With all the confusing labels on supermarket food, it is no wonder so many people find it hard to eat healthily. Here are the...

Don’t Fall for False Food Claims

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nci6mH7ng3k All food is not what it is made out to be by manufacturers. Do you sometimes read a label and think, "This must be...

How to Avoid Genetically Modified Food

While many big businesses and major food corporations tout that the GMO scare is nothing more than hype, more and more companies are looking...

Vermont Sued By Monsanto Over GMO Labeling Law

May 8, 2014 - the day that Vermont passed statewide GMO labeling law, Act 120 - was a momentous milestone for all Americans who...

Companies Forced To Drop Their “All Natural” Claims

Consumers loyal to their brands have been waking up to harsh realities lately as more and more manufacturers are being forced to come clean...

OCA Petitions Michelle Obama to Embrace GMO Labelling

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is currently collecting signatures on a letter to be delivered to First Lady Michelle Obama, asking her to add...