Tag: marriage
How Often Should You Shower? A Doctor’s Surprising Take
Forget what you’ve been told - daily showers might not be as necessary as you think! Dr. James Hamblin, a preventive medicine expert, challenged...
Can Kissing Improve Cholesterol? 8 Science-Backed Reasons To Kiss More
Kissing is one of the simplest forms of expressing affection and love to those around us. Depending on where you’re from, you might have...
Bride Accused Of Poisoning 17 People To Get Out Of Marriage
Choosing one’s spouse is something most people take for granted in the West. However, arranged marriages are still the norm in many parts of...
Today My Wife Is Mad At Me. Here’s The #1 Way...
Bridget and I have been together for more than five years. We don’t have heated arguments all that often, but we are in the...
Are These 5 Silent Killers Stalking Your Relationship? (Watch For #3)
Relationships are like gardens. You have to tend to them or destructive weeds will grow. Of course, everyone is familiar with the by factors...
Speaking Truth To Kids About Divorce (Hint: Marriage Is No Fairy...
Dealing with a divorce is rough enough, and it may be tempting to keep your kids out of it. In fact, research over the...
6 Things I Wish I Would’ve Known About Marriage Beforehand
There are many clichés about marriage floating around out there: “Happy wife, happy life,” “like father like son, like mother like daughter,” “the sex...
8 Celebrity Couples Who Go To Couple’s Therapy
Not all couples, no matter how glamorous, rich or famous, have the skills necessary to improve the quality of — or even save —...
5 Reasons Relationships Fail (And What to Do About It)
Recently, I interviewed a number of couples about what qualities make for a happy, enduring and successful marriage. Not surprisingly, trust and respect were...
13 Of The Strangest Places To Hold A Wedding
For many people, a wedding ceremony is one of the most important moments of their lives. So it makes sense to want to do...