Tag: potassium

Top 3 Blood Pressure Reducing Minerals

High blood pressure is often referred to as a “silent killer.” Unlike many other medical conditions, there are no warning signs or symptoms that...

Try This #1 Trick To Stop Avocados From Going Brown

If you're like me, you absolutely love avocados for a variety of reasons. Not only are they delicious, but they are also tremendously...

This Sweet Ancient Fruit Controls Blood Pressure

We’ve all enjoyed the sweet taste of figs, whether fresh, dried or as a smooth jam baked into a fig bar. But did you...

This #1 Aphrodisiac In The World Also Balances Your Thyroid

It may be part of the broccoli family and even look like a humble root vegetable, but don't let this radish-like tuberous root fool...

Sweet Potato Fries With Spicy Yogurt Dip: For Stomach Ulcers?

Article: Turning your burger up a notch by adding sweet potato fries and a creamy yogurt dip on the side does more than simply...

Boost Your Mood And 3 Other Reasons To Enjoy Blackstrap Molasses

A long-time staple of southern cuisine, molasses is becoming better known as a superfood because of its soothing comfort, healing qualities and nutritious value. Produced...

4 Muscle-Building Smoothies

Nutrient-dense smoothies nourish your body on a cellular level — they take little time to make, and you’ll feel the results fast! Electrolyte imbalance and...

Is Lack of Sleep or Lack of Minerals Making You Tired?

Do you find yourself always reaching for that extra cup of coffee in the morning just to make it through? Are you getting eight...

Sleep Better and 7 More Reasons to Eat a Banana Everyday

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits eaten in the United States, and for good reason. Not only is their sweet, yellow flesh...

Consuming ‘Good Salt’ Can Reduce Blood Pressure Levels

A study conducted out of the Wageningen University and Research Centre revealed that an increased intake of "good" potassium salts could contribute significantly to...