Tag: work

Is There A Good Argument To Sleep In On A Workday?

Most everyone is familiar with the feeling of not getting enough sleep. When your tiredness leaves you feeling sleepy and sluggish all day long,...

7 Ways To Get Along Better With Co-Workers Who Drive You...

Co-workers can be like siblings: they can drive you nuts on a daily basis, but you have to learn to get along with them....

Seven Ways Your Work is Really Harming You

Everyone puts in long days and nights at the office on occasion. However, if you feel like all you do is work, you may...

Balancing Work and Home: The Importance of Boundaries

There are only so many hours in a day, and sometimes we find ourselves struggling to make time for both our personal and professional...

This One Simple Change Could Make You Happier and More Productive...

Who doesn't want to be happier at work? One recent study found that one way to up your happiness level in the office is...

Responding to Emails After Work is Bad for Your Health

Email was supposed to give us extra time - you can send an online message instead of meeting up in person, work remotely, and...

Why Retirement May Not be The Best Thing for Your Health

While it may seem on the surface that older people who retire and are able to rest more would enjoy better health than those...

The Pursuit of Gross National Product Drives Japan Workers to Death:...

More, more, more... better, better, better. Ever since the war, Japan has held one common goal - to be bigger, better and wealthier than...

Does Whistling While You Work Really Work?

To many people, the sound of someone whistling is extremely annoying. In fact, in the town of Portland, Maine, a man was charged with...

How Sick are You? When You Should Stay Home from Work...

It happens every year. The seasons change, the kids go back to school and cold and flu season hits full force. Even if you...