Tag: vaccines
Coffee: The Fat-Burning, Diabetes-Fighting Secret?
Hold onto your coffee cups, folks. Your morning caffeine fix might be doing more than just jolting you awake. A 2023 study reveals that...
Michigan Mother Jailed After Refusing To Vaccinate Her Son
Some parents don’t like the idea of using vaccinations on their children, but one Michigan mother is even willing to go to jail for...
Ancient Horseshoe Crab Endangered Over Blue Blood Profits
The horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, is very, very old. It is not the most aesthetically pleasing animal in the ocean, and if you saw...
Did the Swine Flu Vaccine Cause Recent Narcolepsy in Children
Could a flu vaccine really put people to sleep? The media wires are buzzing with news out of the United Kingdom regarding the Pandemrix...
The Flu Shot Controversy: Know Your Facts First
This season the flu came early and in some states it’s hitting harder than it has in the past. Only 32% of Americans received...
Report: Monkeys Subjected To Vaccines Develop Symptoms of Autism
For years, the Centers for Disease Control and doctors have sworn up and down that childhood vaccines have no connection to the development of...