Tag: asbestos

Stop Buying Cheap Crayons – Here’s Why:

That pack of $1 crayons from the dollar store is so appealing when your color-mad five-year-old makes it her sole purpose in life to...

Johnson & Johnson Exposed: Is This the Raw “UnPowdered” Truth?

Magnesium silicate is comprised of finely ground particles of stone. It originates in the ground and is a mined product, so it can be...

Are Crayons Poisoning Our Children?

Asbestos is a carcinogen that was commonly used several decades ago as a fire-retardant. However, once it was discovered that inhaling asbestos can cause...

4 Health Risks of Buying a Really Old Home

OId homes often have lots of character and charm, but unfortunately, they can also be hazardous to your health. If you’re thinking about buying...

What is Wrong with Baby Powder?

Not only does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend against using baby powders, but now many pediatricians are also making the same suggestion. The...