Tag: temperature

Sleeping Naked For a Better Night’s Rest: Does it Work?

It is no big secret that sleep plays an essential role in our health. Without sufficient sleep, our bodies begin to break down. Getting...

Central Heating Makes You Fat + 4 Other Ways It’s Hurting...

There was a time when the homes we lived in were bitterly cold during the winter months. We’d huddle around antiquated baseboard heaters or...

Do This With Your Toes For Better Sleep

When I think of toes and sleep, all I can focus on is the fact that they need to be covered by my blanket....

6 Reasons To Stop Shaving Down Under

Nothing is more natural than the hair growing out of our skin, yet we often treat our hair “down under” as if it’s a...

9 Reasons Why Sweating Is Good For You And How To...

In a society ruled by superficial fashions and obsessive-compulsive cleanliness, sweating is often seen as a bad thing. Sweat at the wrong place or...

Why It Is Best to Sleep in a Cold Room

Do you know the ideal temperature for sleeping? Research suggests that sleeping at colder temperatures is better for your health than sleeping in a...