Tag: bacteria

Science Says Do This First and Fast When Someone Near You...

While we are programmed to say “Bless You” to people around us who sneeze, we may not be programmed to do what we actually need...

This Deadly Bacteria Lives on Your Skin (why you should care)

Move over MRSA and E-coli., there is a new bacteria in town, and it is becoming increasingly deadly due to antibiotic resistance. Here is...

4 Summer Foods Most Likely To Poison Your Gut (And How...

No one wants a bad tummy — especially when they’re trying to enjoy all that summer has to offer. Up here in Canada, we’ve had...

I’ve Suffered From Eczema My Whole Life. Here Are 5 Natural...

If you suffer from eczema then you understand that the itch, rash and occasional pain that accompanies an outbreak can often lead to frustration...

Eat These 9 Foods For Stronger, Whiter Teeth

Everyone wants stronger, whiter, healthier teeth. But most of us don’t want to pay an arm and a leg to get that dazzling white...

Dangers Of Store-Bought Kombucha (And How To Make Your Own)

Like many products before it, kombucha seemed to appear overnight. A trend had been set and the health food industry began to take notice....

5 Things Your Sweat Says About Your Health

Sweat. It’s something that heralds embarrassment for most people, except in sweaty “safe zones” like the gym or sauna. Yet it’s a critical part...

To Stay Healthy On A Plane, Choose This Seat

For many weary travelers, coming down with a cold after a long flight is par for the course. That’s because airplanes are the perfect...

7 Ways To Never Have Cavities Again

About 91 percent of U.S. adults aged 20 to 64 have had cavities in their permanent teeth. That’s a lot of pain and expense....

CDC Reports 24 Victims Of E. Coli, Is This Food To...

Health authorities announced Thursday they were investigating more possible cases in a suspected E. coli outbreak, which has hit at least 15 states so...