Tag: brain

Science Says: Soda is Killing Your Brain – Even Diet Soda

Have you given up your sugar-laden soda? If so, that is an excellent idea, but if you have replaced it with the sugar-free thing,...

If You Can Balance on One Leg it Might Mean This

Balance has often been studied in connection to various health concerns such as ear infection, low blood pressure, and head injuries. However, research suggests...

If You Have These 6 Characteristics, You Are A Mentally Strong...

Mental strength is vital to living a useful and fulfilling life, and some would argue that it is the difference between being an ordinary or...

14 Signs Of A Stroke You Should NEVER Ignore

A rapid response to someone having a stroke can mean the difference between minor damage and long-term disability. According to the National Institute of Neurological...

7 Foods That Might Be Making You Anxious

A lifelong friend of mine suffered from debilitating anxiety for years. It was hard to watch her have panic attacks, knowing that people did...

Science Says: Do This For 15 Minutes a Day to Decrease...

How often do you just stop and do nothing each day? Not many of us are good at this practice, especially since we live...

5 Signs You are Drinking Too Much Water

Since the human body is made up of roughly 75 percent water, it’s commonly recommended that you stay well-hydrated throughout the day. Let’s face...

FDA Reports New Concerns with Sunscreen Ingredients

Just like food, it’s important to read the ingredients of all our skincare products. Our skin is extremely absorbent, and anything we put on...

5 of the Most Surprising Benefits of Citrus Fruits

With the citrus season in full swing, there is no better time than now to embrace all of the benefits that citrus has to...

Walnuts and Your Gut: A Bacteria Connection That is Good for...

There is no arguing; walnuts are good for your health. There are numerous research-backed reasons to add this full-bodied nut to your diet. An...