Tag: digestion

Improve Digestion and Overall Health with Good Posture

With everything that you have to juggle in a day, your posture may not be something you think about regularly - but perhaps you...

GMOs Implicated in Gluten Sensitivity

A report released last November by the Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT) proposes that genetically modified foods may be to blame for the growing...

The Healing Properties of Cat’s Claw

Uncaria tomentosa, otherwise known as cat’s claw, is a Peruvian mountain rainforest herb that has been used to treat a variety of ailments over...

Why You Should Chew Your Juice

You may have heard it said that juicing is good for you - and it is. With few Americans getting the recommended daily amounts...

How Stress Destroys Your Gut

The old-fashioned diagnostic generality “nervous stomach” may be more accurate than once thought. When we become stressed, our digestive system often ceases to work...

4 Reasons to Have Bone Broth for Breakfast

"Good broth will resurrect the dead" - South American Proverb Sure, we know it may not sound like your average breakfast, but flooding your body...

8 Foods that Stop Heartburn

If you are in the market for an over-the-counter antacid, you are in luck. There are certainly plenty to choose from and the drug...

These 5 Seed Oils Replenish and Rejuvenate Your Body

Plants produce seeds and seeds are the "eggs" that hold all of the nourishment needed to support new plant growth. They are packed with...

Your Belly Bugs Could Expose Risk of Fat Gain

Researchers at Washington State University recently performed a study which suggests that an individual's gut bacteria may determine future weight, as well as the...

Stomach Growling: Annoyance, or Sign of Digestive Imbalance?

We have all experienced stomach growling, which can sometimes be loud and can occur at inopportune times, such as in the middle of a...