Tag: high intensity training

Exercise Quality Matters First

A new study has confirmed something that many fitness experts already believed: It's quality, not quantity, that counts more when it comes to exercise...

Do You Have 7 Minutes to Exercise?

Perhaps one of the most-used excuses for skipping a workout is, “I don’t have the time.” And while for some that excuse is merely...

Top Workouts You Can Do at Home

With chilly weather just around the corner, unless you live in a warm climate, it can be difficult to get outside and go for...

#1 Best Exercise for Fat Loss

If you are of the mindset that long, drawn out workouts are best for boosting fat loss, you have been misinformed. There is a...

Which Type of Workout is Best: Short and Intense or Long...

No matter how you look at it, daily physical activity is important for optimal health. Recently, British journalist and political commentator Andrew Marr suffered...

What is Far Better Than Exercise or Dieting? Lifestyle Change

When it comes to embarking on a healthy lifestyle, many people choose diet over exercise, or vice versa. Is one really better than the...

10,000 Of These Might Keep the Doctor And Belly Away

Run, run as fast as you can........... nope, not necessary. Most people don't have an excuse to not get moving. If you can walk,...