Diabetes is an illness that affects almost every aspect of your life. If you have diabetes, it is important to eat foods that can improve your blood sugar levels and will maintain a healthy weight. One key is to avoid many processed foods that are high in refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup.
Beans are a low glycemic food that is extremely high in fiber and protein. Eating just half a cup of beans provides you with one-third of your suggested daily level of fiber. They also can provide you with vital nutrients such as magnesium and potassium.
Because of their high protein content, beans can also be a good source of healthy lean protein. Half a cup of beans can provide you with as much protein as an ounce of meat protein. Whether you like kidney beans, black beans or butter beans, adding them to your regular diet can be wonderful for diabetics.
Green Leafy Vegetables
You can eat a wide variety of green leafy vegetables and fill up to your heart’s content. Spinach, kale, collard greens and mustard greens are low in calories. They are also low glycemic carbohydrate foods and high in antioxidants. Look for dark green leafs when you are choosing leafy vegetables, which can help lower blood sugar levels.
Tomatoes are high in a number of nutrients that can help with diabetes. They are high in lycopene which has been shown to reduce the risk cancer. Additionally, they are high in vitamin C and E and iron. Tomatoes are effective whether they are eaten raw, in sauce or pureed.
Omega-3 Fish
Omega-3 fat is one of the best types of fat you can consume, whether or not you are diabetic. Omega-3 fat helps your body maintain healthy heart functioning and improves lipid levels. Salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring and tuna are all high in omega-3 oil. Avoid eating fish that has been prepared by frying or breading. Instead, choose fish that has been poached, steamed or broiled.
Yogurt and Dairy
A great deal of recent research has pointed to the importance of eating foods that contain vitamin D. Many people have surprisingly low vitamin D levels because they do not spend a great deal of time in direct sunlight out of concerns about skin cancer. As a result, it is important to eat foods that naturally contain vitamin D. In addition to calcium supplements, dairy foods are naturally rich in vitamin D. Look for 1 percent milk products, including cheese and milk. Organic yogurt that contains live or active cultures also promotes healthy gut bacteria, which can help you maintain good blood sugar levels and a healthy immune system.
While it can be challenging to eat a healthy diet around the year, you can supplement your diet with healthy foods by looking for frozen options at your local grocery store. Organic frozen foods are a healthier choice than canned, processed foods.
Do you have diabetes? What helps you maintain a healthy diet?
– The Alternative Daily