Having a regular monthly period is the surest sign of a healthy reproductive system. When strange symptoms begin to show up, it may be time to check in with your gynecologist.
Missed or irregular periods
Missed or irregular periods often occur when there is no ovulation that month. Lack of ovulation generally comes from hormonal imbalances, but it can also be caused by stress and lack of sleep. Of course, the first step if you miss your period is to check if you are pregnant.
It is a concern; however, when it can indicate a medical condition such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disorders, or problems with the hypothalamus. While one irregular period could simply be a fluke, if the irregularity continues for an additional month then you should consult a physician.
Random spotting between cycles is usually not related to your period. Spotting could be an indicator of medical conditions like uterine polyps, fibroids or a possible infection. If you experience some spotting, use a tampon to check and make sure it is not coming from your urine or rectum.
Keep in mind that a small percentage of women experience spotting during ovulation, so it may be a completely benign occurrence. Also be aware that spotting can sometimes indicate pregnancy, perimenopause or full menopause. If the bleeding is heavy or persists, check with your doctor.
Severe cramps
Unusually severe cramping during your period can be a sign of possible fibroids or endometriosis. Fibroids are the name given to abnormal growths that develop inside or on the uterus. Endometriosis develops when the tissue inside the uterus begins to grow in other places like the ovaries or bowel. It can cause scar formations, adhesions and severe pain during periods.
While it is normal for some women to have more painful cramps than others, sudden changes should always be checked out with your physician.
A surprise period or pseudo-period
If you are suddenly surprised by an unexpected period, with none of the usual accompanying symptoms, it is probably due to a lack of ovulation. However, a surprise period may in some cases be an indicator of pre-diabetes. Insulin resistance directly affects the ovaries. Normal insulin levels cause ovaries to produce the male hormone testosterone. However, in women with insulin resistance, the ovaries end up making too much testosterone.
Definitely see your doctor you experience a surprise period, especially more than once, just to be safe.
When in doubt, always consult the professionals
When it comes to your health, it is always best to play it safe. If you start experiencing strange signs, or just feel like something is off, then it is always a wise choice to consult with your doctor.
-The Alternative Daily