For some, grapefruit can be an acquired taste. If you don’t love this tart citrus fruit, you may want to give it a second try after reading this. There are numerous research-backed reasons to enjoy this superfruit.
Grapefruit contains tons of water
Grapefruit contains 88% pure water. This makes it one of the highest water content fruits. Water is necessary for every process in the human body. Why not get some of your daily water quota taken care of by eating a grapefruit with your breakfast?
Grapefruit lowers blood pressure
Antioxidants are not only beneficial for fighting cancer, but they also benefit heart health. The combination of nutrients in grapefruit makes it particularly beneficial. A study from 2006 published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that individuals who eat grapefruit regularly are more likely to have healthy cholesterol levels, which is a contributing factor to blood pressure. It is the potassium content in grapefruit that is associated with its ability to reduce blood pressure.
Grapefruit reduces stroke risk
The American Heart Association states that eating oranges, grapefruit and other citrus fruits reduce stroke risk in women. In 2012, a study published in the journal Stroke found that women who ate the highest amount of grapefruit and citrus fruits had a 19% percent reduced chance of developing a stroke.
Grapefruit promotes glowing skin
Want healthy and glowing skin? Research says, eat more grapefruit. Grapefruit is loaded with antioxidants that fight free radicals that promote premature aging and contribute to dull and lifeless skin. For a healthy and naturally radiant glow, aim to eat a couple of grapefruits each week.
Grapefruit can control appetite
Regularly consuming grapefruit can help reduce your appetite and help with weight loss. In one study, people who consumed grapefruit three times a day for six weeks had significant reductions in blood pressure. In addition, they experienced improvements in total cholesterol and LDL “bad” cholesterol levels. These benefits are most likely due to the nutrients in grapefruit including potassium, a mineral that is important for heart health. Potassium also reduces blood pressure and has been found to lower the risk of death from heart disease. The fiber in grapefruit can also help improve heart health.
Grapefruit can prevent insulin resistance
Insulin resistance can ultimately lead to higher insulin and sugar in the blood which is a key risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Research shows that eating grapefruit may help control insulin levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. In one study, participants who ate fresh grapefruit before meals had reduced insulin levels and reduced insulin resistance compared to participants who did not consume grapefruit. It is a known fact that consuming fruit is associated with better blood sugar control.
Grapefruit boosts the immune system
Grapefruit is an immune-boosting machine. It’s high vitamin C content can protect cells from dangerous bacteria and viruses. Studies show that vitamin C helps speed up the recovery time of the common cold. Grapefruit contains other vitamins and nutrients that have immune-boosting properties as well, including vitamin A, which has also been shown to protect against inflammation and infectious diseases.
Awesome Ways to Eat More Grapefruit
Most of us eat grapefruit in the traditional way, by cutting it in half and enjoying it with a spoon, but that gets boring fast. Try these creative ways to add more grapefruit to your diet:
- Cut the flesh into small pieces and add it to salads.
- Use grapefruit juice as a marinade for meats.
- Blend the flesh of a grapefruit into a morning smoothie.
- Freeze bite-sized pieces of grapefruit and add them to water in place of ice cubes.
- Make a beet and grapefruit smoothie.
Caution: Don’t eat grapefruit if you are taking any of these medications, including those listed below. Eating grapefruit may interfere with the breakdown of the drug. If you are concerned, consult a physician before eating grapefruit regularly.
- Immunosuppressants
- Benzodiazepines
- Most calcium channel blockers
- Indinavir
- Carbamazepine
- Some statins
-Susan Patterson