Tag: chronic disease

60% of Women Have a Doubled Risk of Breast Cancer Because...

Over time, exposure to toxins, from pollutants in the environment, pesticides and preservatives to heavy metals and cancer-causing chemicals, can negatively affect many systems...

5 Tips From The Blue Zone To Help You Live Longer

A person needs a little madness every once and awhile, or else they’ll go crazy. I’m paraphrasing words from a character in the novel...

Juice These 3 Superfoods To Detoxify Your Liver And Improve Vision

According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic diseases like stroke, arthritis, diabetes, cancer and heart disease are the main causes...

Could Grains Be Behind Your Chronic Pain?

Since the advent of the agricultural revolution some 12,000 years ago, grains have increasingly become a vital food for the human race. Humans valued...

Should We Be Stapling Kids’ Stomachs?

Did you know that one in five American children is now obese? Not only is this fact grim in itself, but recent studies have...

Connection Found Between Sleep Apnea And Gout Flare-Ups

A study published in the December 2015 issue of the journal Arthritis & Rheumatology reports a newly discovered connection between sleep apnea and gout....

Is Your Commute Literally Killing You?

You do it almost mindlessly, on autopilot: get up, shower, get dressed, get in the car and start driving to work. While this daily...

Study: Taking Walking Breaks between Sitting Down Can Help Protect Arteries

The modern lifestyle habit of sitting down for hours on end is creating a public health crisis, and is among the most detrimental things...

Why Are We Still Talking About Smoking? It’s Still Killing

Whether you smoke or not, you may roll your eyes when you see yet another headline about the dangers of smoking. We all know...

Why Hot Dogs and Lunch Meat Should Never be on the...

Lean cuts of organic meats are often considered healthy contributions to a well-rounded diet. Yet many people are under the misconception that deli meats...