Tag: thyroid

Born Polluted: Infants’ Health Compromised Before Birth

The average middle-aged American may have between 30,000 to 50,000 different chemicals in their body that their grandparents did not have. No matter how...

Not What You Think? 5 Health Myths Exposed

For some reason or another, we seem to go through life with preconceived notions about many things, including our health. What harm is there...

6% of U.S. Adults Have Thyroid Disease: Get to Know This...

Many people diagnosed with a thyroid condition are surprised that such a tiny gland can have such a profound impact on overall health and...

Irregular Bowel Movements Could Be Sign of Thyroid Problems

If you have experienced changes in your regular bowel habits, thyroid problems may be the culprit. Thyroid problems are one of the most common...

Can’t Lose Weight? This Tiny Gland Could be the Cause

Tired? Moody? Can't lose weight or remember where you parked your car (again)? Your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck...

Is Your Thyroid Exhausted?

Are you exhausted, have memory lapses, thinning hair, body aches, irritability, depression, sleep problems, low sex drive, constipation and/or weight gain? These could be symptoms...