Tag: UTI

Gals: How to Pee for Better Health (Yep, You Can Stand...

Everyone has heard the saying “You are what you eat.” With sodas, alcohol and excessive coffee drinking, we often forget that we are what...

The One Thing All Women Should Do After Sex

Urinary tract infections are the second most common type of infection in the body, resulting in more than 8 million visits to healthcare providers...

Women: Do These 6 Things After Sex

After a wonderful sex session with your partner (or indeed, after a fairly terrible one), it can be tempting to roll over and snooze....

5 Reasons Why You Always Need To Pee

Remember a time when you didn’t have to rush to the toilet every 20 minutes? You could go for long walks in the hills...

If You Have A Painful UTI, Try Half A Cup Of...

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are an infection of either the kidneys, ureters, bladder or urethra — basically, anything that the urine passes through...

Prevent Cancer And Boost Digestion With Horseradish

The more science studies whole foods the more we learn that they may ultimately be our salvation when it comes to curing major, life-threatening...

A 4-Ingredient Elixir That Can Eliminate Back Pain

Each year 13 million Americans visit the doctor for chronic back pain. While about 2.4 million are left chronically disabled, another 2.4 million are...

Knock Out a Fever, Reduce Blood Pressure and More with Radishes

More than just a pretty addition to your salad — radishes are the ultimate health food. Just as they come in many shapes, sizes,...

New Research Agrees That This Type of Garlic Can Eradicate Infectious...

Few sauces, soups, or salsas (to name just a few dishes) would be complete without the delicious taste of garlic. Garlic is a member...

Natural Ways to Prevent and Heal UTIs

Some women even compare the burning, frequency, and stabbing pains around the pelvis caused by invading bacteria to the level of discomfort experienced during...