Prior to the Agricultural Revolution, humans did not consume grain on a regular basis. Interestingly enough, research shows that human brain function was at its peak just prior to the onset of the revolution. A steady decline in human strength has been observed since this time.
Today’s wheat is nothing like what it once was – it is a hybrid version of what our ancestors consumed. What this means is that even if you are not gluten intolerant you can still suffer from the ill effects of this impure grain. One of the visible side effects of heavy grain consumption is a rise in obesity. Here are three well-researched reasons why you should ditch grain…. completely.
Mineral Blocker
Grain contains phytic acid, which blocks the body’s absorption of magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and calcium. This coating is found in the bran of all grains as well as coffee beans, nuts and seeds. It is important to note, however, the majority of problems with phytic acid come from an over-consumption of grain, not nuts, seeds or coffee beans.
When our ancestors ate grains, the grains were allowed to sit in the sun for a while before they were harvested. This caused sprouting and the breakdown of phytic acid, making nutrients easily digestible. Many people are prescribed calcium, but it does not get absorbed because the phytates block absorption.
Insulin Spiker
Eating grain causes a spike in insulin production, which interferes with hormone production. When we eat carbohydrates they are broken down into glucose. Any glucose that is not used to replenish glycogen get stored as fat. Our great, great ancestors needed the fat stores in times of famine, however, we just don’t have those times today in America.
When our carbohydrate load is excessive, the body also produces cortisol and adrenaline which causes more disruption. This hormone overload creates inflammation in the body and leads to weight gain and carbohydrate cravings.
Gluten is water soluble protein that is found in grains such as barley, rye and wheat. Celiac disease and gluten intolerance are common problems involving the protein in wheat. Celiac disease is relative to the immune system and causes a sudden allergic reaction. This is a malabsorption condition that occurs when essential nutrients are not absorbed.
Gluten intolerance appears slowly over time and may be difficult to diagnose because it presents in so many different symptoms. A sensitivity to gluten can produce such things as bloating, indigestion, vomiting, heartburn, constipation, fatigue, dizziness, migraines, anxiety, mood swings and joint pain.
More recently, studies have been showing positive social and developmental results with autistic children who have been placed on a gluten-free diet plan.
If you are unsure as to whether or not you may be sensitive to gluten, it is best to eliminate all grains from your diet for at least one month to assess how you feel. There are many gluten-free options.
But… Don’t We Need Grain?
Yes, they are part of the governmental food pyramid. But what does this tell us? The food pyramid has been wrong for years. Not much more than that the government is clearly not your best health advocate, you are.  This, we know, is nothing new. Human beings do not need grain to survive, plain and simple. If you have access to fruit, vegetables and healthy meat, you have no reason to even consider adding grains to your diet.
-The Alternative Daily