As someone who cares about my health, I’m very conscious of what I put on my body. For this reason, I generally steer well clear of that isle in the supermarket where many women spend a sizeable chunk of their days cooing over this face cream or that exfoliator.
That’s because, generally speaking, these products are almost universally toxic. They’re pumped with synthetic compounds and unpronounceable ingredients which, when applied to your skin or hair, are absorbed into the body and take up residence inside us, doing untold damage. The odd product may be slightly less toxic than the others, but the best course of action is to avoid these aisles altogether.
Which leaves you with a predicament. Can there possibly be a natural, unrefined alternative to the “benefits” all those creams, ointments, moisturizers, scrubs and lotions provided? Funnily enough, yes there can, and that alternative is coconut oil.
Here’s 6 reasons why coconut oil is the only product you need to keep your skin, hair and nails looking and feeling their best.
- It makes an excellent hand moisturizer
Coconut oil is very hydrating for your skin, particularly if the skin is already wet, so keeping a jar or two sitting out around the house is always a good idea. The beauty of coconut oil is that you can cook with it, eat it, and then rub it on your hands to keep them supple and moist.
Next time you wash the dishes, rub in some coconut oil post-wash to lock in the moisture and prevent your hands from getting cracked and nasty-looking from the detergent.
And when you make your next batch of muffins or cookies, use coconut oil in place of butter or vegetable oil (it works well with high-heat and is naturally sweet-tasting) and scoop out a little extra for your hands. They’ll thank you for it.
- It can be used instead of shaving cream
Most shaving creams are loaded with nasty unmentionables which poison your body and leave your skin worse for wear, despite bold promises of ultra-moisturizing aloe or vitamin E. With this in mind, next time you bust out your shaver to take care of that unsightly fur on your legs, turn to your trusty jar or extra virgin coconut oil for a healthy alternative.
Coconut oil is solid at room temperature, and softens as the thermostat rises, therefore it’s easy to scoop some up in your hand and massage a generous slather onto your legs. Then just shave as normal – the coconut oil will lubricate your legs nicely, reducing friction and leaving them smooth, supple and hydrated.
- It can blast off eye makeup
Believe it or not, coconut oil can even be used to remove waterproof mascara. Rub some coconut oil onto a damp cloth or cotton ball and swab it gently back and forth around your eyes and any other areas which need makeup removed. The coconut oil helps to break down the compounds in the makeup which make it otherwise so durable, and it even hydrates your skin at the same time. What other makeup remover can boast that?
- It can make an excellent hair conditioner
Coconut oil is a master at penetrating hair follicles and locking in the moisture, and for this reason is often found in conventional conditioners. But why go out and buy a conditioner with all the nasty other ingredients when you can use coconut oil for a fraction of the cost?
The easiest way to condition your hair with coconut oil is to dip a comb into a jar of this wondrous stuff then gently comb the oil into your hair. Once you’ve applied the oil to the whole area, pile your hair into a loose bun and leave it for a few hours, or even place a towel over your pillow and condition your hair overnight. In the morning, rinse out the oil in the shower with warm water.
- It makes a great all-over body moisturiser
Place a jar of coconut oil close to the shower so that when you step out and towel yourself down, you can quickly and easily rub coconut oil all over your body to lock in the moisture. Don’t be shy – you can rub it almost anywhere, and it’ll work wonders for your skin. It’s anti-fungal and antibacterial, so it’ll ensure your skin isn’t overrun with pests and your feet remain mushroom-free, and it acts to reduce water loss and thereby prevent dry skin. What’s more, it can promote healing of wounds, acne and scars, so it’s pretty much the best moisturizer ever.
- It smells like cookies
This may seem a little trivial, but everyone likes to smell good. And few things smell better than the rich, exotic smell of coconut oil. So when you use it as a beauty product, you’ll literally smell mouth-watering. Just be sure you always have access to a good pair of running shoes, in case you end up getting chased by hordes of cookie-starved citizens.
Want to learn more about the wonders of coconut oil? Click here to find out more!
– Liivi Hess