The Alternative Daily
10 Ways Your Smartphone May Be Ruining Your Health
When I was growing up, there was no such thing as cell phones or even the Internet, and that was not too long ago....
These Back “Cracking” Home Remedies Can Cause More Bad Than Good
Have you ever had someone walk on your back or ask you to walk on their back? Back pain can lead us to do...
Ladies, Why Pelvic Floor Exercises Should be on Your Radar in...
Abs, biceps, triceps, glutes, quads. You’ve likely heard of all of these muscle groups and probably spend time each week working some or all...
5 Dangerous and Deadly Health Fads to Avoid at All Costs
Strange health fads are not a new or novel idea. For thousands of years, people have been doing strange things to their bodies in...
5 of the Most Surprising Benefits of Citrus Fruits
With the citrus season in full swing, there is no better time than now to embrace all of the benefits that citrus has to...
Walnuts and Your Gut: A Bacteria Connection That is Good for...
There is no arguing; walnuts are good for your health. There are numerous research-backed reasons to add this full-bodied nut to your diet. An...
5 Ways to Protect You and Your Family From Deadly Coronavirus
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you’ve likely heard about and been sufficiently terrorized by reports of a...
Are You Addicted to Cotton Swabs? Here’s What You Need to...
When I was younger, a friend’s grandmother told me that you should never put anything smaller than your foot in your ear. As odd...
Science Says Doing This Each Morning Can Help Increase Mindfulness and...
If you’ve brushed off meditation for years as a practice reserved for the minimalist monk or the trendy yoga guru, it’s time to take...
5 Reasons You Need CBD Oil in the New Year
By now, you’ve probably noticed CBD infused energy drinks in the cooler at the grocery store or walked down an entire aisle dedicated to...