The holidays are approaching and you’re probably looking for a way to either lose weight before the new year or, in the very least, avoid gaining weight during this festive (re: high calorie) holiday season.
During this time of year, most of us either go to one extreme or the other. We either want to be healthy and maintain the results we’ve achieved and deprive ourselves from anything less-than-healthy. Going the deprivation route – which I’ve done – rarely helps you enjoy the holidays. You simply feel like you’re missing out. The other extreme some of us take is overindulging in everything we know is unhealthy for us during the holidays. We think, “Screw it, I’ll just eat what I want and wait until January 1st to make some changes!” This approach is also not a good idea. Overdoing it can bring up feeling of worthlessness and put you in an out-of-control mental state.
During the holidays, you don’t need to deprive yourself and you don’t need to overdo it. I have 5 simple reminders that will help you either lose a little weight during holidays or maintain your weight. If you do the majority of these tips every day you may also improve digestion, have more clarity and focus, feel more energized, and stay present to enjoy these next few months without worrying about your health.
Tip #1: Spend at least 15 minutes alone everyday.
My clients called this their Morning adventure. This is the time for you to set the tone for your day. How do you want to feel each day? Do things during this time that will help you feel confident, peaceful, inspired, or whatever kind of feeling you want to invoke. If you want to feel proactive and in control despite the stress and overwhelm the holidays can bring, make this morning time a priority.
Tip #2: Engage in at least 10 minutes of activity every day.
Activity doesn’t have to be done at the gym; it can be any kind of activity you enjoy. Sometimes during this busy season, we feel that it’s “all or nothing.” If we can’t exercise at least 30 to 60 minutes every day, we do nothing. That’s a mistake. Spending at least 10 minutes engaging in activity will increase immunity and energy levels and will help you feel healthier. You’ll probably even feel motivated to continue exercising long after the holidays are over. This activity time can also help you avoid any kind of holiday weight gain (from burning calories and increasing portion awareness) and sometimes lose a few pounds.
Tip #3: Drink lots of water.
Experts say to drink half your body weight in ounces. I say to drink water until your urine is clear (easier, right?). Drinking water, especially if you live in a cooler climate, is something that most of us forget to do during this time of year. When you drink water and hydrate your body you can give your metabolism a boost, improve digestion and even avoid some of those dessert cravings.
Tip #4: Eat a balanced breakfast.
Training your body to eat first thing in the morning after you hydrate your body will kick start metabolism. It will also help to balance blood sugar levels meaning better digestion, less bloating and even more energy in the mornings. If you’re not currently eating breakfast, start off by consuming something small like an apple and almond butter. Always remember to combine a protein carbohydrate for optimal results!
Tip #5: Smile and remember to breathe.
Sometimes during the holiday season, we become so stressed out, frazzled and frustrated that we forget to smile. Smiling – even when you don’t feel like it – sends a message to your brain that you’re happy. When we create feelings of happiness (or at least improve our mood), we have a different kind of energy. We may even feel more motivated. We remember that there is very little to complain about and there so much to be grateful for. When you’re stressed your breathing becomes constricted; when you breathe deeply and fully you’re energizing your entire body and it allows you to feel more present. It may even help you make better choices these next few months that affect your waistline.
Post these tips somewhere you can see them every day, and remember to do it at least 3 out of the 5 so that you can not only avoid holiday weight gain but possibly shed a few pounds before the holidays begin.
Remember, the holidays are a great time of year to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. If you can be healthy during holidays and still enjoy the foods you love, you’ll be able to reach your goal weight and healthy body any time of the year.
– Katie Humphrey
As a keynote speaker, empowerment coach, author and spokesperson, Katie Humphrey inspires women to feel fit, confident and motivated. Her dynamic Revolution of YOU brand helps overwhelmed and stressed out women confidently reach their goals.
Visit Katie’s Website at KatieHumphrey.com