Tag: tap water

Is Your Water Too Acidic? Here Are The Most Damaging Brands

If you think you’re making a healthy choice by buying bottled water, it might be time to think again. That’s because conventional methods of...

Airplane Coffee and Tea Could Contain Poop and Other Bacteria

Those late night or early morning flights can be really hard to take, and many of us look forward to a warm cup of...

Want to Brew a Horrible Cup of Coffee? Do these things

Coffee is undoubtedly a staple of the American culture and a vital part of many peoples morning routine. There’s nothing quite like a fresh...

Should You Buy Into The Raw Water Craze?

According to Mukhande Singh, the founder of a company called Live Water, “You’re drinking toilet water with birth control drugs in them” if you’re...

218 Million Americans Have This Carcinogen In Their Tap Water —...

We usually don’t think twice about the safety of tap water. It’s safe to drink as far as we’re concerned, because we are lucky...

250 Million Americans Are Drinking THIS In Their Tap Water

Some 250 million Americans are drinking water with excessively high amounts of chromium-6 in it, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG). This group...

How To Alkalize Water Naturally (And Why You Should)

There’s no question — we absolutely can not live without water. But do we really need to drink alkalized water for our survival? Perhaps...

Why You Should Test Your Tap Water Immediately (And How To...

Growing up in “the sticks” meant a lot of things — and in all honesty, it shaped the person I am today. I grew...

The #1 Reason Why You Must Stop Drinking Tap Water

We're fortunate that when we turn on the tap, we have access to an unlimited supply of drinking water. Considering 783 million people do...

#1 Reason Why You Should Fear Your Chlorine-Infused Shower

When we imagine taking a shower, most of us probably picture an experience of relaxation: the hot steam opening our pores, washing away the...