Is your fatigue a result of eating a poor diet? When you are eating a diet full of healthful foods, you are less likely to suffer from fatigue, common ailments and that general feeling of being “down” or “under the weather.”
Eat a sensible diet and your body will cope better with the pressures and the pollutants of our modern everyday lives. The right kind of foods will improve your performance at work, in exercise and in your everyday activities. And, of course, your appearance will benefit, too.
Which foods are the best choices?
To keep energy levels at a peak throughout the day, consume raw vegetables, fruits and lean protein. Foods such as dark, leafy greens, broccoli, greens beans, peppers carrots, berries, apples, and kiwis, wild caught fish (such as salmon) and raw nuts and seeds will help you stay energized without struggling to keep your eyes open post-lunchtime. These foods are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that neutralize the affects of “free radicals” that attack our bodies causing cell and tissue damage.
Foods to reduce or avoid?
If junk foods and snacks normally supplement your diet (re: cakes, pies and biscuits) you are eating too much processed food containing preservatives, salt and sugar. These foods are “calorie dense,” meaning they provide more calories in ratio to nutrients. You will probably feel the difference in your moods, appearance and overall mental function when eating these types of foods.
It is a myth that we need sugar to supplement our energy levels; it works only as a very short-term boost as it causes blood sugar levels to spike, sending you in a downward spiral of fatigue and irritability when processed by the body. White sugar is also considered an anti-nutrient because it actually leaches nutrients from your body as it’s digested!
We all long to feel and look good and one of the most beneficial ways to reach this goal is by choosing the right kind of diet. Begin thinking of food as a fuel to empower and enhance your performance. When you start to eat healthily on a consistent basis, you’ll notice it positively affects your outward appearance, too!
– Katie Humphrey
As a keynote speaker, empowerment coach, author and spokesperson, Katie Humphrey inspires women to feel fit, confident and motivated. Her dynamic Revolution of YOU brand helps overwhelmed and stressed out women confidently reach their goals.
Visit Katie’s Website at KatieHumphrey.com