Your skin is your largest organ, and it has a lot to say about what’s going on inside your body. Many skin conditions including rashes, dryness, bruising and chronic acne can all indicate some imbalance or disease, so it is essential to look at the clues and pay attention to any abnormalities. Here are just a few things your skin says about your health.
Of course, this list is far from exhaustive and only covers a few of the man conditions that can be indicated by your skin. It is best to play it on the safe side and always consult your doctor if you have persistent, concerning skin issues with no natural explanation. Always listen to your body and stay in touch with your health.
You’re under a lot of stress
When you are always in a state of stress, your body begins to react poorly to the flood of adrenaline. This can begin to show itself in your skin. If you notice frequent acne outbreaks on your face or other parts of your body and are unable to isolate any other causes, such as diet, age, or hormones, you should probably take a look at your schedule. Begin to slowly cut back on the amount you commit to and practice stress relieving techniques such as mindful breathing and meditation.
You may have allergies
Hive, itchy rashes and other sudden, uncomfortable skin conditions could be a telltale sign of allergies. You could be allergic to a medication, a certain food, or a contact allergen such as pollen or pets. Look back over the past few days at any new additions to your life to help isolate the allergen. It may be difficult, however, as rashes can occur hours after exposure. Talk to your doctor for a recommended course of action. They may suggest allergy testing to determine the cause of your reaction. If you notice any other symptoms such as swelling or difficulty breathing, see a doctor immediately.
You could have diabetes
Dark spots on your lower legs or feet known as diabetic dermopathy may be an early indicator that you have diabetes. These spots begin as red or pink blotches and soon darken into shiny, thickened areas known as plaques. These are merely splotches of hyperpigmentation and come as a result of high blood sugar changing blood vessels under the skin. They are not dangerous in and of themselves; however, if you have never been diagnosed with diabetes or are seeing these spots for the first time, it is crucial to make an appointment with your primary care physician as soon as possible.
You may have PCOS
PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormone related condition that causes women to experience unusually thick hair growth in areas such as the chin or below the belly button. This condition also usually comes with an inability to lose weight, irregular periods, and cystic acne that is unresponsive to treatment. Talk to your doctor to determine if you have PCOS.
You are dehydrated
Your skin is often one of the first places to display signs of dehydration. It loses its elasticity and becomes lifeless and dull. Over time, not getting enough water can lead to dry, itchy skin and flaky patches. This is especially probable if you live in a dry environment, so it is important to monitor your water intake carefully. Experts recommended drinking half your body weight in ounces every day and more if you exercise or sweat a lot.
You may have skin cancer
Keep an eye on the various moles and freckles on your body. If you notice them changing shape, color or growing in size, consult your doctor. Melanoma is the most common form of skin cancer and comes most commonly as a result of excessive sun exposure without protection. However, it can also be related to a genetic predisposition or a preexisting condition.
You could have an under (or over) active thyroid
Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can affect the skin. If you notice increased sweating, facial flushing, warm, moist skin, excessive hair loss or a concavity of the nails, you may be suffering from an overactive thyroid. An underactive thyroid, on the other hand, can lead to dull, dry, ashy skin, lack of sweating, and brittle hair and nails. If you suspect a thyroid condition, talk to your doctor.
Do you listen to your skin? What are some other things your skin says about your health? Let us know in the comments below!
-The Alternative Daily