Tag: baking soda

Baking Soda May Reduce Premature Death Risk

Research published this month in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology found that having balanced baking soda, or bicarbonate, levels in...

3 Ways to Drink Baking Soda for Better Health

Many of you may have been using baking soda around your home for years without ever even knowing what it is. We did a...

9 Uses for Baking Soda that May Surprise You

Did you know that you go to battle each day against thousands of environmental pollutants that lurk not only in our air, our water...

The Toxic Truth About Air Fresheners

Have you ever wondered what’s in those air fresheners that make your home, office, or bathroom smell like a gingerbread house, tropical paradise, or...

101 Awesome Ways To Use Vinegar Around The Home

We all know the old saying: honey catches more flies than vinegar. Although this is a great way to live your life, maintaining a...

21 Ways To Save Money With Baking Soda

When it comes to cleaning our kitchen sink, baking soda and vinegar are my go-to solution — works like a charm. Not only is...

Mix Baking Soda With This For An Effective Chronic Bad Breath...

If you’re plagued with chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis, you need a chronic bad breath remedy now. So, stop dousing your oral...

45 Things To Do With Baking Soda

Oftentimes, the simplest things in life can be the most powerful. One example of this is baking soda. We don't think much of that...

Why You Should Put Baking Soda in Your Armpits & More

Finding the perfect deodorant can be hard. You want to stay away from the chemical-laden, aluminum heavy, propylene glycol and paraben infested commercial deodorants...

5 Things You Can Do Immediately With Baking Soda

It is most likely that you have a box of baking soda in your fridge or freezer and probably also inside your pantry. Although...