Tag: brain

High Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Your Cognitive Function

The results of recent research into the effects of high fructose corn syrup on brain function and memory have been very surprising. It has...

“Bad” Fats Are Bad For Your Brain

In a recent series of studies, researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital discovered that eating a high fat diet can have a significant effect...

Degenerative Brain Disorders Could Be Turned On By Switches

As simple, and as complicated, as it sounds, researchers have recently discovered one of the keys to why degenerative brain disorders occur. Medical researchers...

Have MRI’s Only Been Half Right?

The use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies has become fairly routine for brain imaging in the 20 years since the technology was introduced....

Can You Train Your Brain to Feel Less Pain?

Headaches are a fact of life for most people. In fact, they are the most common neurological complaint and tension and migraine headaches are...

Is Your Brain Wired to Make You Overeat?

We are all pretty familiar with that Thanksgiving ritual of stuffing yourself like the proverbial holiday turkey and having it feel oh-so-good. Even if...

Love Curry? It May Love Your Brain!

It turns out that the chemical in most Indian curries is helpful in preventing degenerative neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disorder....

Your Stress Is Stealing Your Memory

As people get older, almost everyone has memory lapses. However, while they may be common, you don’t have to give in to forgetfulness. Feed Your...

Report: Multitasking Actually Disrupts Brain Function

In today’s world, almost everyone seems to drift between texting, watching programs on television and doing other activities. We just can’t seem to get...