Tag: energy

5 Easy Things to Do Each Day to Feel More Alive

We all know what it feels like to drag through the day, or even part of the day. It is normal to have dips...

5 Ways to Power Through Your Midday Slump!

It is 2pm and you find your head dropping to your desk. Time for your midday energy boost! You head to the coffee shop...

In a Slump? These 4 Simple Tricks to Naturally Boost Your...

We all need food for survival. However, what and how you eat can make a difference in how much energy you feel. It can...

Lose The Energy Drinks! Opt For Coffee or Tea

The Energizer Bunny keeps going and going - and many of you who don't run on batteries seem to think that powering up with...

Obama & Romney Can Agree On This: Candidates Need Their Sleep

Election season is fast approaching, and as it does, we become inundated with the images and soundbites of candidates espousing rhetoric and promising us...

Breakfast: Your First Shot at a Healthy, Energized Day

When you think of eating breakfast, what comes to mind? For most people, they think, “If I only had the time…” or “I’m not...

Harvard Report: Low Energy Levels Could be Caused by These 8...

How do you know if your low energy is caused by underlying disease or is the result of lifestyle factors, stress, poor diet, lack...

Tired All Day? There’s a Good Chance It’s Caused By Your...

Is your fatigue a result of eating a poor diet? When you are eating a diet full of healthful foods, you are less likely to...

5 Ways To Get More Energy Now!

Do you feel less than energetic on a daily basis? Are you waking up un-refreshed and going through your day lethargically? Do you try...

3 Daily Energy Drainers And How To Turn Them Around

Are you experiencing daily energy drain? If you’re feeling tired, less enthused about waking up everyday or just plain fatigued, you may need to...