Tag: prescription drugs

The Downsides of “There’s a Pill for That”

Is true health really as easy as popping a pill? What happens when we stop taking the pill or the contents of the pill...

Doctors Admit Overuse of Medical Tests and Prescription Drugs

New evidence suggests that the healthcare industry is finally waking up to the dangers of unnecessary medical procedures and dangerous prescription drugs. Last week,...

The Major Health Crisis That’s Also a Big Business

Generations of Americans have trusted prescription medications and the companies that supply them with their very lives. Many people look for a seal of...

Big Pharma’s Hair Loss Solution: Side Effect of Depression and Suicide

Pharmaceutical companies seem to have a pill to take for almost any health problem. However, many people are finding that these “quick” cures are...

Use of Prescription Painkillers a Double-Edged Sword

Reports of the rise of the use of prescription painkillers are increasing. Opiate medications are one of the most-prescribed types of drugs today. Although...

Beware: Prescription Drugs Can Cause Symptoms of Major Diseases

New research conducted by Mayo Clinic physicians has revealed a direct correlation between prescription drugs and medical issues. In particular, Olmesartan, a commonly prescribed...