Katherine Marko


How Freelancing Transformed My Miserable Work Life

When I hear my friends complain about their 9-5 grind it makes me think about my previous life, where I often skipped lunches and...

2 Things The Loss Of My Cat Taught Me About Death

Spiritual teachers come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes they even come with furry bodies and four legs. For as long as I remember,...

4 Reasons Women Should Travel Solo For A Change

For women, traveling solo can be scary, exciting and a life altering experience. For me, it was both unsettling and invigorating at the same...

How Dangerous Is Mechanically Separated Poultry?

If you look at the ingredients list of many processed meat products, including hot dogs, bologna, chicken nuggets, chicken patties and certain types of...

Why I Gave Up Being a Vegetarian After One Year

For a short while in my life I embarked on the world of vegetarianism — in fact, I was actually more vegan than vegetarian....

Scientists Say This Food May Help Colon Cancer

It turns out that eating a handful of nuts daily could effectively keep colon cancer from recurring after surgery. In fact, research, from Dana-Farber...

3 Plant Remedies For Anxiety

An anxiety disorder can range from social anxiety to outright panic attacks. Doctors will generally prescribe medications that work on the central nervous system...

6 Reasons To Try A Wheatgrass Colonic

Wheatgrass has several health benefits including an amazing nutrient profile and incredible detoxification properties. But often digestion can be sluggish, which means it’s highly...

Add These 3 Things To Your Coffee To Fight Inflammation

I have a morning routine that consists of adding a few key ingredients into my cup of brew for the sake of fighting inflammation. Here...

How To Alkalize Water Naturally (And Why You Should)

There’s no question — we absolutely can not live without water. But do we really need to drink alkalized water for our survival? Perhaps...