Tag: fiber

Wait! Don’t Throw Out Your Juice Pulp

Making juice is fun, healthy, and easy to do. However, juice making can seem very wasteful when you go to empty the pulp reservoir....

Women 35 years and Up Prefer This Fruit

Thanks to a strategic name change, prunes, which are now being called 'dried plums' by prune growers, including the California Dried Plum Board, are...

Move Over Burrito, The Black Bean Brownie is Here

You put them in chili, you put them in soup, and you may even top your salad with them, but have you ever, ever,...

The Strange-Looking but Healthy Nightshade

Eggplant, a member of the nightshade family that also includes tomatoes and bell peppers, is an extremely versatile meal option. It also packs some...

Smoothies vs Juicing: Is One Better Than the Other?

We are avid juicers here at The Alternative Daily, and we are blend-heads as well. Both are promised to be the answer to optimal...

Did You Toot? A Healthy Look at Flatulence

Who me? I never have gas........... this is just not true. Don't try to pass yourself off as gasless because it won't hold up...

Ghost Poops Can Lead to Painful Constipation

Constipation is a common problem and can be caused by any number of things including prescription medications, stress and diet. Some people experience constipation...

Naturally Lower Bad Cholesterol by Adding More Fiber to Your Diet

Q. How do "cholesterol-lowering" cereals like oatmeal reduce LDL cholesterol? How much do I need to eat to make a difference? A. Fruits, vegetables, and...

How to Easily Boost Your Fiber Intake and Make Your Gut...

From whole grain wheat and oats to beans and lentils--packing your diet with fiber-rich foods is a very good thing. A body of science...

Flush Body Toxins by Boosting Fiber Intake

What can you do to help lose the cravings and feel full while reducing calories? The answer is surprisingly simple: fiber. There are two types...