Tag: heart disease

Studies Find Nuts Reduce Risk of Cancer by a Shocking 40%

New research published in the journal BMC Medicine has correlated eating nuts three times per week to a lower risk of dying from cancer...

5 Minutes of Meditation Melts Stress Away

A new study recently published in the European Heart Journal shows that the extent to which people perceive that their stress levels are affecting...

How Do You Want to Die: Painfully or Like a Whisper?

If you are not suffering from one of the top three killers, diabetes, cancer or heart disease, chances are someone you love is. Half...

Will Insurance Premiums Skyrocket Now that Obesity is a Disease?

Members of the American Medical Association (AMA) met last week in Chicago and voted to consider obesity as a disease, despite opposition from the...

James Gandolfini a Recent Victim of America’s #1 Killer

Last Wednesday, James Gandolfini, dynamic star of the Emmy-winning series, "The Sopranos", tragically died of a heart attack while he was vacationing in Rome....

40 Names for Sugar and 10 Reasons Why it is Important...

Sugar, many feel, should be renamed the white devil. It is a highly addictive substance that lurks in more foods than we can ever...

Smartphone Battles the Sandman

There have been numerous studies that indicate using electronics just before bedtime could be interrupting valuable shut-eye time. One of the latest was conducted...

Diet Soda is Just as Bad for Teeth as Crack Cocaine...

You probably already know by now how bad diet soda is for your health. If you’ve been ignoring the headlines about the numerous research...

Statin Myth: Debunking The Connection Between Cholesterol and Heart Disease

The documentary Statin Nation: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up, presented by Rethink Productions, provides strong evidence that the widely-believed ideology that high cholesterol leads to...

Dangers of Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs, and How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

The health issues that can stem from high cholesterol are no joke. Fearing the risk of heart disease, stroke and other related issues, many...