Tag: heart disease
High Blood Pressure in Kids Linked to High Blood Pressure in...
A recent study presented at the American Heart Association High Blood Pressure Research Scientific Sessions 2013, revealed that children with one or more high blood...
6 Reasons NOT to Buy a Donut On National Donut Day
Americans eat over 10 billion donuts each year!
They smell so good, especially when they are warm. Do you, like millions of other Americans salivate...
One More Reason to Eat More Fruits and Veggies
It is well-established that eating lots of fruits and vegetables is vital to a healthy diet, for a plethora of reasons. To add to...
Sea Lettuce Found off Florida Coast Prevents Cancer
Considered one of the the healthiest foods on the planet, seaweed is a mainstay of the Asian diet. It has been eaten there for...
Why Diet Soda Bleepin’ Sucks
"Diet soda is one of the biggest health scams preying on well-meaning dieters looking for a sweet calorie-free beverage." Dr. Joseph Mercola
"Diet soda makes...
Watch a Lot of Television? You May be increasing Your Risk...
If you’re an avid couch potato, all of those hours watching TV could very well be making you ill, and may eventually cause your...
3 Reasons to STOP Eating Fast Food Fries Today
Can't you just smell them now? There is just something about fast food french fries that makes you want them once you smell them....
Considering Calcium Supplements After Menopause? Natural Sources May Be Safer
After menopause, many women take calcium supplements, as well as vitamin D, to help with calcium absorption. A number of conflicting studies exist concerning...
Study: Fat Location Determines Heart Health Risk
You’ve probably heard that excess abdominal fat increases your risk of a number of diseases including cancer, hypertension, and heart disease. But a recent...
3 Healthy Reasons You Should Cook With Lard
Demonized for many years in the media due to a widespread fear of saturated fats, organic lard is actually quite a healthy fat option,...