Tag: prevention

14 Signs Of A Stroke You Should NEVER Ignore

A rapid response to someone having a stroke can mean the difference between minor damage and long-term disability. According to the National Institute of Neurological...

Is Mammography Outdated and Harmful? What You Can Do Instead

For over 40 years, mammography screening (which is essentially an X-ray of the breasts) has been used almost exclusively as the primary form of...

4 Subtle Signs Your Heart Is In Trouble (Eat These 4...

On average, your heart beats more than 115,000 times a day — yet we don’t often give this vital organ much thought. We also...

Scared Of Getting Breast Cancer? Here Are 6 Ingredients Proven To...

Being in my late 20s, it is hard to imagine going through something as frightening and traumatic as a cancer diagnosis. Unfortunately, I already...

Neck Yoga? 7 Ways To Get A Natural Neck Lift

It was once thought that facial aging was simply due to the relentless downward pull of gravity (luckily, we tend to die before we are...

12 Anti-Aging Secrets From The Amazon

If you want to take care of your body and stay healthy and youthful naturally, look no further than the Amazon rainforest. This incredible cornucopia of...

Men: Prostate Cancer Is On The Rise. Here Are 7 Foods...

In the United States, there were an estimated 161,360 new cases of prostate cancer last year, and 26,730 deaths (equivalent to 4.4 percent of all...

Swine Flu Prevention And Home Remedies

Ever since the H1N1 pandemic of 2009, the very mention of swine flu is enough to send shivers up our spines. The regular flu...

How To End Chafed Nipples Once And For All

Chafing is something both genders face at some point in their lives, but may not ever talk about. Raw and sore nipples may seem...

5 Ways To Keep Your Pets Cancer-Free

Cancer doesn’t just plague humans – pets can suffer from this devastating disease as well. Although there’s scant national data on the prevalence of...