Tag: vitamin d

Caught up in the Whirlwind: Refilling Your Battery Each Day

Day to day life can often be hectic, as well as draining, on both the body and the mind. Going through the day feeling...

Considering Calcium Supplements After Menopause? Natural Sources May Be Safer

After menopause, many women take calcium supplements, as well as vitamin D, to help with calcium absorption. A number of conflicting studies exist concerning...

Vitamin D Deficiency Will Break Your Bones

A new study performed by U.S. and German researchers has found that vitamin D deficiency can cause premature aging of the bones. While it has...

Trusting Your Skin to Coconut Oil Like Islanders Have for 1000’s...

While you may be convinced that coconut oil is a fad, it is a fad that has benefited people around the world for thousands...

Not What You Think? 5 Health Myths Exposed

For some reason or another, we seem to go through life with preconceived notions about many things, including our health. What harm is there...

Walk and Talk: The Benefits of a Walking Meeting

If you work in an office infiltrated with synthetic light, machines, telephones and a sterility that, well, just gets old, you should consider having...

Does Sunscreen Cause Skin Cancer?

The sun is necessary for all human life. Without the warming rays of this massive star, life on this planet would cease to exist....

5 Reasons Why Your Great, Great, Great Grandparents Were Healthier Than...

While it is true that our ancestors may not have lived as long as us, there is evidence that they lived healthier lives. Although...

80% of Americans are Vitamin K2 Deficient

A naturopathic physician, Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue has a passionate interest in nutrition and has written an eye-opening book entitled Vitamin K2 and the Calcium...

5 Easy Things to Do Each Day to Feel More Alive

We all know what it feels like to drag through the day, or even part of the day. It is normal to have dips...